
Nature and protection

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    Vinsamlega hafið samband við Umhverfisstofnun vegna nánari upplýsinga.

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    Vinsamlega hafið samband við Umhverfisstofnun vegna nánari upplýsinga.

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    Þekja (layer) j100v_austurland_millilog_1utg_li:: Gjóskulög á Austfjörðum. [Tuff layers in Eastern Iceland.] Línur sýna staðsetningu stærstu gjóskulagana á Austfjörðum. Gjóskulögin eru fengin úr ýmsum kortum og kortlagningu Birgis V. Óskarssonar. Gögn eru flokkuð eftir ÍST120:2012 staðlinum, nema þrjá fitjueigindir: myndunKodi = Heiti myndunarinnar (skammstöfun) myndunIS = Heiti myndunarinnar (á íslenskuc) myndunEN = Heiti myndunarinnart (á ensku) [Lines show the location of largest tuff deposits in Eastern Iceland. The tuff layers are derived from older maps and the mapping of Birgir V. Óskarsson. The data follows the ÍST120:2012 data standard with the three additional feature attributes: myndunKodi = Lithostratigraphic unit (abbreviation) myndunIS = Lithostratigraphic unit (in Icelandic) myndunEN = Lithostratigraphic unit (in English)]

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    Þekja (layer) j100v_austurland_gigar_1utg_fl: Flákar sem sýna gjallgíga í jarðlagastafla Austurlands. [Polygon data of scoria cones in Eastern Iceland.}

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    Þekja (layer) j100v_austurland_hoggun_1utg_li: Sprungur og misgengi. [Cracks and faults.] Gögn með sprungum og misgengjum kortlögð í ýmsum kortlagningaverkefnum. [Data showing cracks and faults mapped in various mapping projects.]

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    Þekja (layer) j100v_austurland_gigar_1utg_li: Útlínur öskjurima útkulnaðra megineldsstöðva. [Outlines of calderas of extinct volcanos.] Útlínur miða við höggun, dreifingu þursabergs og móbergsmyndana. [The lines are based on local tectonics, distribution of agglomerates and hyaloclastites.]

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    Þekja (layer) j100v_austurland_berggrunnurMork_1utg_li: Línur sýna þekkt mörk berggrunns. [Lines showing certain boundaries of bedrock.] Tilheyra flákagögn 'ni_j100v Berggrunnur á Austurlandi – 1:100.000' (j100v_austurland_berggrunnur_1utg_fl). [Follows the polygon data 'ni_j100v Berggrunnur á Austurlandi – 1:100.000' (j100v_austurland_berggrunnur_1utg_fl).]

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    Riparian zones represent transitional areas occurring between land and freshwater ecosystems, characterised by distinctive hydrology, soil and biotic conditions and strongly influenced by the stream water. They provide a wide range of riparian functions (e.g. chemical filtration, flood control, bank stabilization, aquatic life and riparian wildlife support, etc.) and ecosystem services. The Riparian Zones products support the objectives of several European legal acts and policy initiatives, such as the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, the Habitats and Birds Directives and the Water Framework Directive. Green Linear Elements (GLE) are ecologically significant, structural landscape elements which act as important dispersion vectors of biodiversity. GLEs comprise hedgerows and lines of trees and offer a wide range of ecosystem services: they are linked to both landscape richness and fragmentation of habitats, with a direct potential for restoration, and contribute also to hazard protection. Green linear elements form part of the Green Infrastructure and are specifically addressed in the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020. The GLE product provides reliable and detailed geospatial information on the occurrence and spatial distribution of: Small linear vegetation features such as hedgerows, scrub and tree rows with a minimum length of 100m and a width of up to 10m; Isolated patches of trees and scrub with a size between 500 m² and 0.5 ha. Green linear elements including trees and hedgerows with 100m minimum length and 500 m² Minimum Mapping Unit (MMU)

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    Þekja (layer) j100v_austurland_steingervingar_1utg_p: Fundarstaðir steingervinga. [Locations with fossils.] Fundarstaðir steingervinga, einkum plöntusteingervinga eða surtabrands. [Location with fossils, exclusvely plant fossils or lignite deposits.]

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    Vinsamlega hafið samband við Umhverfisstofnun vegna nánari upplýsinga.